9Lenses Blog

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So, What Exactly is Innovation Consulting?
The consulting industry is multifaceted. From strategy consulting to social media consulting, different types of consultants excavate every part of a business, identifying areas of weakness to minimize and strategizing how to capitalize on areas of strength. One of the more recent branches the consulting industry has developed is innovation consulting.
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 A Consultant’s Guide to a Winning Sales Pitch (Part 1)
There are 49,195 businesses listed as management consultancies in U.S., according to Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) issued by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. If you add a similar code for Engineering, Accounting, Research and Management, then that is another 331,921 businesses or nearly 400,000 potential competitors that consultancies have to navigate!
Source: Unsplash
Consulting Process – Understanding The Discovery Phase
The first step of the consulting process is the discovery phase. Discovery involves gathering data from multiple sources before the consultants apply their expertise to solve a business problem. The discovery phase of a consulting engagement is therefore key to the consulting process. In a resource-constrained environment, speed and quality are essential to successful client discovery.
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7 Key Stages of a Consulting Project
So, you’ve impressed the client with your proposal during the RFP process and received the green light for the consulting project. Now comes the difficulty of actually starting the process of gathering information, compiling data, and discovering insights which will drive value for the client. During a client engagement, consultants will typically pass through 7 key phases or stages.
Source: Unsplash
Internal versus External Consulting – Advantages and Disadvantages
Internal versus external consulting:is there a significant difference between the two? Business leaders who are in the position of building a team of internal consultants or hiring external consultants (and acting as a client) should evaluate the advantages and disadvantages—whether deserved or not—when deciding between the two models of consulting. Additionally, those interested in pursuing a consulting career should also understand the nuances between internal and external consultants.
Source: Unsplash
15 Consulting Questions for Successful Client Discovery
Client discovery is one of the key stages of a management consulting engagement. During client discovery, the consultant dives below the client organization’s surface to gather details on the facts that the client has provided, test hypotheses, and probe deep into whatever problems the organization is facing.