How Digital Transformation Will Change Consulting Business Models

Source: Unsplash

Four years ago, the Harvard Business Review published an article that predicted the disruption of the consulting industry as a result of the evolving digital economy. Over the past few years, we’ve seen that disruption start to develop. Consultants are adding digital service offerings to their portfolios and adopting digital tools to enhance their capabilities. They are testing new consulting business models.

5 Ways Consultants Can Embrace Digitization

Source: Unsplash

When many people hear “digital consulting,” they probably think of consultants who specialize in helping their client organizations go digital, digitizing their clients’ workflows and processes to help them become more streamlined, grow revenue, and better meet the expectations of today’s consumers

Asset-Based Consulting – Benefits & Barriers

Source: Unsplash

For some companies, the digital transformation journey has only begun, while others have been working to go digital for years. In fact, because digital transformation can be a long process without a clear end in sight, it helps to think of the process as less of a one-time transformation and more of a continuous digital maturation.