The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has dominated the Internet in the past few weeks, ruling Facebook feeds, trending on Twitter, rising to the top of... Continue reading
For consultants, improving client satisfaction is an essential component of retaining and growing their client base. To help justify the investment of professional services, consultants... Continue reading
Centralized Platform to Host Your Assessments Turn your solutions, content, and thought leadership into interactive assessments that are engaging and valuable to your prospects and... Continue reading
Benchmarking analysis is an invaluable tool for today’s management consultants. Benchmarking involves comparing a current data set to historical data sets or data from industry... Continue reading
When you ask your manager, peer, or client for feedback, have you ever received a response that goes something like this:“This document looks good, but…?”... Continue reading
Studies show that the consulting industry today faces a high turnover rate. On the face of it, it would seem that turnover is a looming... Continue reading
Many consultants are embracing and selling digital business strategies that will benefit their clients. However, few are using these same digital methods to better their... Continue reading
The rise of technology has triggered monumental change in most industries. More than ever before, organizations today are having to adjust, sometimes dramatically, in order... Continue reading
New ideas for innovative products and businesses are formed every day, yet few successfully disrupt their respective field. The execution of an idea can be... Continue reading
The business world offers many differing opinions regarding the leadership vs management debate. In 1989, Warren Bennis listed a dramatic comparison between leaders and managers.... Continue reading