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The Interview Of The Month! Why We Love to Hate HR and What HR Can Do About It

July has arrived, so the time has come for our next instalment of the Interview of the Month. This month, the interview addresses how well HR departments are performing in today’s transforming HR climate.

With the Interview of the Month program, we invite you to use our software and answer interview questions around important topics in the business world today. After you complete the interview, you will be able to see your results in our analytics platform. At the end of the month, we will share the anonymous results and findings to help participants discover what trends exist across businesses.

According to the July-August edition of the Harvard Business Review, the Human Resources function is in urgent need of transformation. In his articleWhy We Love to Hate HR…and What HR Can Do About It,” Peter Cappelli illustrates the impasse of modern HR practices. The HR landscape has recently undergone dramatic transformation, but HR departments are ill equipped to handle the challenge of properly managing key workplace issues.

According to Cappelli, the HR function needs to shift from primarily “administrative” functions to key drivers for long-term business success. HR teams can accomplish this shift successfully through a number of initiatives:

Focusing on the right issues to meet a specific organization’s needs rather than on conventional HR tasks

Proactivity in both identifying challenges that need addressing and in finding solutions to solve those challenges

Supporting and furthering the organization’s overall strategic goals

Leveraging analytics to provide value in key areas such as developing talent, building corporate culture, and addressing morale problems

Since we at 9Lenses see the enormous potential of using human insights to drive business decisions, we have created this interview to assess your organization’s readiness for HR transformation.

The following invitation will take you to this interview; we encourage you to participate and share it with your networks through the end of the month. By completing the interview, you will gain access to the analytics, insights, and discoveries regarding the critical challenge of HR transformation.

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