9Lenses Blog

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So, What Exactly is Innovation Consulting?
The consulting industry is multifaceted. From strategy consulting to social media consulting, different types of consultants excavate every part of a business, identifying areas of weakness to minimize and strategizing how to capitalize on areas of strength.
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 Innovation Consulting – Internal vs. External Consultants
In order to be truly innovative, an organization not only needs employees who are natural innovators, but also needs to build an environment that is conducive to innovation. All too often, however, organizations stifle this environment in one of two ways.
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3 Reasons To Try Asset-Based Consulting
As consulting faces disruption from technology and changing consumer demands, many consultant firms are searching for ways to keep pace with evolving client expectations
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Asset-Based Consulting – Benefits & Barriers
We previously discussed the impending rise of asset-based consulting and what exactly it entails for consulting firms in today’s business climate.
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Consulting Process – Understanding The Discovery Phase
The first step of the consulting process is the discovery phase. Discovery involves gathering data from multiple sources before the consultants apply their expertise to solve a business problem.
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Consulting Process – Why Consultants Need to Accelerate Client Discovery
In yesterday’s post, we outlined the process for and importance of the client discovery phase in the consulting process. This post will discuss why consultants should strive to accelerate client discovery.