9Lenses Blog

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The Time is Ripe for Security Consulting
In 2014, it seemed as though half of the time the news was running a story on yet another cyber attack hitting a major corporation. Target was hit first, followed by J.P. Morgan and Home Depot.
Source: Unsplash
Why Consultant Differentiation is So Difficult
Normally one would assume that as a company grows, its ability to set itself apart from the rest of the industry would grow proportionally. For the top consulting firms, however, it is a different story.
Source: Unsplash
 5 Ways Consultants Can Ensure Clients Implement Recommendations
Consultants have the opportunity to create change in client’s organizations, but change doesn’t happen unless they ensure recommendations are implemented. Most consultants have faced the difficult situation in which clients don’t quite seem to agree with the suggestions brought to the table.
Source: Unsplash
Lessons from Dilbert – Defeating Consulting Stereotypes
Sometimes it’s good to poke a little fun at ourselves. Dilbert holds a special place in the hearts of many business-people because it makes jabs at some of the things we deal with on a daily basis.
Source: Unsplash
3 Ways Consultants Don’t (but should) Leverage Employee Engagement
Leveraging employee engagement of clients during an engagement is one of the most underestimated tools within the consulting industry. After all, for every 1% increase in employee engagement companies experience a 9% increase in operating profit.
Source: Unsplash
7 Key Stages of a Consulting Project
So, you’ve impressed the client with your proposal during the RFP process and received the green light for the consulting project. Now comes the difficulty of actually starting the process of gathering information, compiling data, and discovering insights which will drive value for the client.