9Lenses Blog

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Consulting Infographic: Consulting by the Numbers
The consulting industry is a unique in many ways. Both lucrative and fast-paced, consultants attract many MBA graduates to its competitive playing field.
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The Best Consulting Firms and Thought Leadership
One of the deciding factors separating the best consulting firms from the rest of the pack is their adeptness at creating in-depth, thoughtful content: Aka thought leadership. Initially, thought leadership may not earn significant short-term value, but in the long-term, it can cement a firm’s reputation and legitimacy. Typically, content for thought leadership is relevant and backed up with data.
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Measuring Account Health Through Organizational Intelligence
In a hyper-connected world, leaders at large enterprises still struggle to maintain alignment between strategy and operations while keeping the customer at the forefront of every decision.
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Disruption in Consulting – Strike First
Google “consulting” and one of the first articles that will come up is the Harvard Business Review’s “Consulting on the Cusp of Disruption.” Dig a little deeper and you will find a host of articles and blog posts discussing the imminent disruption in consulting.
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Turning Authors into Consultants – Never Waste Business Books [SlideShare]
All too often, business books go to waste because leaders cannot determine how to act on the content they read. Because leaders have difficulty putting the books’ content into action, authors cannot demonstrate to leaders how the insights of their books can be used effectively.
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Mastering the Social Economy (Part I) – 3 Critical Questions
$900 billion to $1.3 trillion – that’s the estimated annual value McKinsey & Company assigns to emerging social technologies. To compete in the social economy organizations must rapidly integrate, adapt to, and learn from new social platforms.